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This Morning from CBS News, April 6, 2016

Eye Opener: A setback for the front-runners 01:58


All indications suggest Donald Trump's presidential campaign is rapidly deflating. What you may not have considered, however, is how nearly everyone in the Republican Party -- including Trump himself -- could benefit from his loss. The question is really how he loses, and when.

Is it enough?

Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders both notched big victories in Wisconsin, lending their trailing campaigns much-needed shots in the arm. But can the momentum gained in the Badger State get either candidate through the uphill climb looming on the horizon?


The secretive world of offshore accounts is coming under scrutiny with the leak of the Panama Papers; millions of documents linking politicians, celebrities and billionaires to financial holdings stashed in tax havens around the world. But are all such accounts evidence of corruption?

Facts or figures

Donald Trump claims that the nation's official unemployment rate, which has sunk to 5 percent, greatly understates the real level of joblessness around the U.S. We examine the GOP front-runner's claim that the U.S. government is misrepresenting the health of the labor market.

"Religious freedom"

Twenty-one states, mostly in the South, have enacted laws that allow people and businesses to refuse service to people who offend the owner's religious beliefs. After weeks of protest, Mississippi's new, so-called "religious freedom law" is drawing the ire of rights activists.

2nd chance

A Texas man whose murder conviction inspired a Hollywood movie is set to return to court for a re-sentencing hearing. Bernie Tiede was given life in prison in 1999 for the murder of a wealthy widow, but his attorneys say new evidence changes the facts of the case, and should change the sentence, too.

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