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"Big Brother" sees another houseguest evicted

Houseguest Willie in deep thought after the live eviction and Head of Household competition on CBS' "Big Brother" season 14. CBS

(CBS News) CBS' "Big Brother" sees another contestant evicted as new Head of Household Frank seeks revenge.


On the last episode of "Big Brother," drama erupted between Willie and Frank, which caused dramatic shifts in alliances. Frank later won HoH in a live "Big Brother Break-In" Head of Household competition.

In last night's episode, a coach's competition was held to determine which coach would be able to protect one of their players for the week. Janelle won the competition and chose to protect Ashley for the week and put Danielle, Willie, JoJo and Shane in the Have Nots for the week.

Willie, who knew after his rift with Frank that it would be hard to stay in the game, voiced his anger over his and his teammates placement in the group.

He then took it upon himself to get evicted from the house before the others could get rid of him. He paraded around the house in a fit of rage and headbutted Joe, causing the live feeds to be cut.

Sunday's episode ended with Willie ejected from the game.

Tell us: What did you think of last night's episode of "Big Brother"?

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