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Argentina puts Evita's face on currency

(AP) BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - Argentina's iconic former first lady Evita Peron has been honored in song, in film and currently on Broadway. Now her face will grace the nation's currency.

President Cristina Fernandez revealed the new 100-peso note Wednesday night on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the death of Evita Peron. She's the first woman to appear on any Argentine banknote.

In The Footsteps Of "Evita"

Fernandez, whose party was inspired by Evita's husband, strongman Juan Peron, said the initial printing will be commemorative, but she said she wants all new 100-peso notes to eventually carry the former first lady's image, replacing that of Julio Argentino Roca, a 19th century president.

"After 200 years it's the first time that a woman appears on a bill, and if you have to honor the gender, who better than the figure of Eva?" she asked.

Peron was a controversial figure, but one who fought with passion for society to be more equal and just, Fernandez said.

"It's not that Eva was a saint. It's not that she didn't make mistakes ... She was a humble woman of the people," the president said. "Honoring her with this bill is a way of recovering justice."

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