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Minnesota businesses struggle under economic impacts of snow's absence, but cold snap may help

Even with below-average snowfall, business is looking up in Mille Lacs
Even with below-average snowfall, business is looking up in Mille Lacs 02:03

MINNEAPOLIS — The series of January cold snaps is helping some Minnesota resorts get back on track. Even with below-average snowfall, business is looking up. 

Whether they catch a trophy walleye or no walleyes at all, Gary Meysan and Mark McDonough are just happy to be back on the ice. 

"It was very limited last winter. Some of the lakes you couldn't get on," Meysan said. "We are supposed to be catching walleyes ... and we have, we have, they are all about that long."

A year ago you couldn't even drive a vehicle on most parts of Mille Lacs Lake; it was too dangerous. The ice thickness was only at about 11 inches at its peak.

This winter it's closer to 20 inches. That's made a world of difference for Twin Pines Resort. 

"This is our 31st winter," co-owner Linda Eno said. "Every year there is something different and weirder."

While snowfall totals have lagged behind, there's been no shortage of solid ice on Mille Lacs. And even with above-average temperatures at times, conditions have been just good enough for Twin Pines to finally rent out most of their 35 fishhouses. A year ago, they could only rent out a couple at a time. Overall, business was down 90%. 

"Normally, where I have 15 employees, I had four. That's how bad last winter was," Eno said. 

Staffing numbers have rebounded, along with cabin rentals. The hope now is that the cold continues, and they avoid a repeat of last year. 

"We are thrilled to be jumping into this winter with good ice and a little bit of snow and people excited to come," Eno said. 

While good ice conditions are helping places like Twin Pines, other resorts further north that rely on snow for snowshoeing and snowmobiling, say business is still down a bit. A couple more inches of snow would help them rebound. 

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