Teen Charged In Rape Of 87-Year-Old Woman
FLINT (WWJ) - Police say DNA evidence gained from an alleged bank robber has led them to a suspect in a rape last fall in Flint.
WWJ's Sandra McNeill reports that a Flint teen, 18-year-old Denzel Berry, has been charged for sexually assaulting an 87-year-old woman.
Genesee County Prosecutor David Layton said it's one of the most heinous cases of rape he's ever had to review.
"It's pretty despicable when you have a 17-year-old criminally, sexually assaulting an 87-year-old," said Layton. "I can't say I've ever had a case that met those facts before and it's just pretty disgusting."
The victim said she was knocked to the ground from behind - her groceries scattering to the floor before she was attacked. She was then robbed of the money in her purse and her home was ransacked for jewelry.
If convicted, the sex assault charge alone could put Berry in prison for life.
Berry, who would have been 17 at the time of the alleged crime, is also charged with home invasion and unarmed robbery.