Scooter Rider Cheri Rael Searches For Driver Who Struck Her
DENVER (CBS4)- A Denver woman is resorting to hand-made signs in an effort to track down the driver who hit her with his car, took her to urgent care and disappeared. On the morning of Jan. 7, around 9:30, Cheri Rael was headed to work.
It's a 15-block straight shot down Syracuse and a scooter is the most efficient mode of travel for Rael.
As she crossed 29th, she had her eye on a blue SUV. By the time she realized the driver didn't see her, it was too late. He drove right through her.
"My body flew into the street right over here and my scooter flew over here," gestured Rael.
Rael says the driver stopped.
"He seemed like a really nice guy and he was really scared… pretty scared, like he was shaking as he picked my scooter up."
A woman at the scene said she would call an ambulance but the driver volunteered to take her to an emergency room.
He instead brought her to a nearby urgent care. While he helped her inside, he didn't stick around.
"They took me back and he didn't leave any information," she said.
Rael says she contacted the Sawaya Law Firm which looked into her case but with no cameras at the urgent care and no license plate, there wasn't much to be done.
Surprisingly, Rael isn't mad but said working as cashier on Medicaid, she'd at least like help for the three weeks of work she had to miss.
She also hopes her story serves as a reminder to other drivers to pay attention.
"Check your bike lanes, you know? There's children and parents using the bike lanes. I always see them."
Rael sustained a broken nose and a concussion. She knows it could've been much worse.
"I could've very much died," she said.
For now, she is trying to focus on the positive. She says after hearing about her ordeal, a co-worker at the cafeteria she works in, Sodexo, bought her a brand new scooter and helmet.