Almost 200 Got Evacuation Warning After Downed Power Line Sparked Small Fire In Boulder County
BOULDER COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) - Fire investigators determined a down power line started a small wildfire in unincorporated Boulder County just outside the northwest portion of the City of Boulder early Monday morning.
According to Boulder County Sheriff's press release, just before 4 a.m. crews received reports of the fire in the area of the Carriage Hills neighborhood, and an evacuation warning was sent to 176 resident contacts via the Everbridge system. Boulder County deputies also went door-to-door to let people know about the fire in the immediate area.
Multiple fire agencies -- about 40 responders total -- worked together in the response, gaining a quick advantage on the fire and contained it to 0.5 acres just before 5:30 a.m.
There were no injuries reported due to the fire, and no damages. Eventually, investigators determined a down power line to be the cause.
City of Boulder Fire-Rescue, Boulder Mountain Fire Protection District , Boulder Rural Fire Protection District, Lefthand Fire Protection District, Sunshine Fire Protection District and Boulder Emergency Squad all worked together in the fire response.
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