Mayor Young Announces Launch Of Emergency COVID-19 Water Bill Discount
BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- Mayor Jack Young and the Department of Public Works announced Friday the launch of the new Emergency COVID-19 Water Bill Discount.
Mayor Young issued the following statement:
"I want to thank the entire DPW team for working tirelessly to bring this discount program together at such a critical time. By making this program available, we are taking aggressive steps to ensure clean and safe drinking water is available and affordable for all of our residents."
The discount program will provide the same assistance that eligible BH2O Assists and BH2O Plus participants receive:
- A 43% discount on charges for water and sewer usage
- A waiver of Bay Restoration and Storm Water Remediation fees
Officials said customers are receiving larger than normal water bills that include part of March and all of April.
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Late fees have not and will not be assessed for overdue water bill payments, and water has not and will not be shut off for lack of payment, officials said.
The Emergency COVID-19 Discount program will remain in place until 90 days after the end of the current state of emergency or December 31, 2020, whichever comes first. The discount is good for one year.
To apply for the program, residents can go to and or call (410) 396-5398 to request an application.
Applications by mail will also be accepted.
DPW's Customer Support and Services Division is available to assist residents while its Customer Support and Services Division Walk-in Center at 200 Holliday St. remains closed to the public. You can email or call (410) 396-5398.
For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.