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Paul, Santorum Trade Jabs In Televised Debate

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) – Ron Paul is standing by a tough ad his campaign is airing in South Carolina calling rival Rick Santorum a big Washington spender.

At a nationally televised Republican presidential debate Saturday, Paul said the former Pennsylvania senator was insufficiently conservative and "corrupt" for taking money from lobbyists.

Santorum defended his record, saying he had made sure residents of his state got their fair share of federal spending.

Santorum battled Mitt Romney to a near tie for first place in the Iowa caucuses. Polls show the former Massachusetts governor running far ahead of the rest of the GOP field in New Hampshire, which holds its primary Tuesday.

Paul is hoping to slow both Romney and Santorum in South Carolina, which holds its primary January 21.

(Copyright 2012 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.)

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