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Bernie Sanders to vote on Super Tuesday

Bernie Sanders is hoping for a strong showing on Super Tuesday after a wide loss to Joe Biden reflected Sanders' lack of support from African Americans. His campaign has focused heavily on Spanish-language events to capitalize on Sanders' favorable numbers among Latino voters as he seeks to attract working class, young and minority voters who feel ignored by the establishment. Nancy Cordes reports from Sanders' home state of Vermont where the senator is expected to cast his own primary ballot.


2020 Democrats look to the future

With New Hampshire and Iowa behind them, the Democratic primary candidates are focusing on how they will win the rest of the country. Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders came out of the first two tests victorious, with a surprisingly strong showing from Amy Klobuchar and an equally surprising lackluster finish from former frontrunner Joe Biden. Former Democratic advisers Jamal Simmons and Robby Mook join “CBS This Morning” to discuss what the results could mean for the future of the Democratic ticket.

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