More than 30 Phipps food workers now out of a job due to an expired contract
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - Food workers at Phipps Conservatory Cafe are still without jobs.
The employees had positions at Phipps through a contract with Sodex Live and the union helping those employees organize said the contract has run out with their last of work being January 12.
"It is incredibly disappointing that Phipps let their contract with Sodexo Live run out, and now over 40 employees are unemployed," 32BJ SEIU PA State Director Sam William said in a statement provided to KDKA-TV. "For much of 2024, the hard-working employees attempted to unionize with 32BJ SEIU and were continually ignored by Phipps leadership and contractor Sodexo Live. Although the workers lost their jobs, 32BJ SEIU is committed to justice for workers, and we refuse to tolerate this type of treatment of workers in Pittsburgh. We will be continuing to hold Phipps accountable and stand with these workers moving forward."
Earlier this month, the workers at Phipps came together to deliver a petition to management and held a rally to attempt to save their jobs.
"For an organization that prides itself on sustainability, it's unacceptable and hypocritical that this only applies to the plants that make them money and not the people who create amazing experiences at their weddings, galas, and everyday events," said Jason McCray, a now-former worker at Phipps.
As of today, more than 30 workers are without a job due to the contract expiring.