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Tough Talk From Clinton On Bailout

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has finally weighed in on the looming federal government bailout, offering some tough talk for the Bush administration.

“When the American people, facing a foreclosure crisis and struggling economy, turned to this administration for help, the answer was no," Clinton said in a statement. "Now, the administration is turning to the American people for help, to rescue the credit markets and take on hundreds of billions in debt and financial obligations as a consequence of that same foreclosure crisis. The truth is, Main Street came to Washington and got little. Now Washington is coming to Main Street and asking for a lot."

"I will be examining the administration's proposal very closely to ensure that we do not approve a policy that may stabilize the markets in the short term without addressing the root problems facing middle class families or the kinds of reckless gambling that was permitted for far too long by the administration. The Bush Administration may have changed its tune once the crisis facing Main Street hit Wall Street. But we need to be sure that the American taxpayers – asked to shoulder yet more risk and responsibility – have a voice.”

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