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Survey: The grim realities of your working hours

(MoneyWatch) Have you ever sent an email to a coworker at 10 p.m. and gotten a response 5 minutes later? If so, you're not alone.

A new survey commissioned by Mozy shows that employees are working earlier in the morning and later in the evening, even if they aren't at the office.

Key points:

  • 73 percent of bosses don't care if you're late
  • An average person starts checking work email at 7:42 a.m. but gets to the office at 8:18 a.m.
  • An average boss would allow employees to work 25 percent of the time from home
  • 60 percent of employees check their work email after 6:30 pm.
  • Female bosses are 20 percent more likely than male bosses to demand staff be in the office on time.
  • Male bosses are twice as likely as female bosses to allow employees to be up to two hours late
  • The average American worker puts in almost an hour of work before arriving at the office
  • Only 11 percent of employers have the tools in place for doing 100 percent of work off site
  • 80 percent of bosses say it's okay to call staff in the evening
  • Managers are largely okay with employees conducting certain personal tasks (bill paying, dentist appointments, etc) during the work day.

This survey was conducted in the U.S. and Europe, surveying 500 managers and 500 employees. Do the results match up to your daily work life?

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