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We combed the Internet to find the most interesting myths and old wives' tales about predicting the gender of a child during pregnancy. While the "Gender Selection" segment on Public Eye with Bryant Gumbel dealt mostly with choosing the sex of your child before pregnancy, we found no methods, aside from the Ericsson, that offered any medically proven results.

Below are some of our favorite myths for trying to second-guess nature once a woman is pregnant. None have been proven effective in predicting gender, but you never know. . .

  1. Carrying high and wide means you are having a girl.

  2. If a ring on a thread held over your belly moves side-to-side, it is a girl.

  3. If a ring on a thread, held over your belly moves in circles, it is a boy.

  4. If you crave sweets and fruits, it will be a girl.

  5. If the maternal grandmother has gray hair, you will give birth to a boy.

  6. Morning sickness early in the pregnancy means you will have a girl.

  7. If you have maintained a waistline, you are having a boy.

  8. Low weight gain and good, healthy looks, means a boy.

  9. If you are jutting out forward and low, it is a boy.

  10. If your nose spreads wide, it is a boy.

  11. If your feet get colder now than they did before you were pregnant, you are
    having a boy.

  12. If father is gaining weight right along with mother, you are having a boy.

  13. If you are craving salty or sour foods, you will have a boy.

  14. If chest development is very dramatic, it is a girl.

  15. If you are craving meats and cheeses, you should expect a boy.


From the Archives of Public Eye With Bryant Gumbel
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