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New Obama ad reminds voters of narrow 2000 loss in Florida

Less than two weeks out from election day, President Obama's campaign today released two new ads, including one that invokes Democrats' razor-thin 2000 loss in Florida to urge people to vote.

That spot, "537", conjures painful memories for Democrats, reminding them that Al Gore lost the Sunshine State in 2000 a mere 537 votes and urging them to vote this year to prevent another nail-biting disappointment.

"537 - the number of votes that changed the course of American history," intones the narrator, lamenting "the difference between what was and what could have been."

The clear message: every vote counts.

"So this year, if you're thinking your vote doesn't count, that it won't matter...well, back then, there were at least 537 people who felt the same way. Make your voice heard. Vote."

The ad will air in Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, Ohio, New Hampshire, Virginia, Florida, and Wisconsin.

The second ad, "He got it right", features yet another testimonial from former President Bill Clinton, who has emerged as Mr. Obama's most potent surrogate and has already been deployed liberally in campaign ads this cycle. In the 30-second spot, Clinton, speaking directly to the camera, says that Mr. Obama's critics sound "kind of familiar."

"The same people said my ideas would destroy jobs and they called me every name in the book," explains Clinton. "Well, we created 22 million new jobs and turned deficits into surpluses."

Tying the Clinton era's economic prosperity to President Obama's agenda, the former president explains, "President Obama's got it right. We should invest in the middle class, education, and innovation. Pay down our debt with spending restraint and asking the wealthy to pay a little more. Sound familiar?"

The ad will air in Nevada, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, and Virginia.

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