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Editorial: Obama Serves Up Real Change, Unlike McCain's Rehashings Of Status Quo

This story was written by Editorial Board, The Oracle

The Oracles editorial board ran a series of editorials leading up to the election tackling subjectsit deemed important. Barack Obama won two out of three issues, securing the Oracles endorsement for the presidency. Though the board addressed three main subjectshealth care, the economy and foreign policy to determine its endorsement for the presidency, here are several other issues it considered.


(UWIRE) -- Obama is the best pick for president on this issue specifically because his opponent, John McCain, has been very vocal about overturning Roe v. Wade, calling it a flawed decision.

Though the chances of Roe v. Wade being overturned in the next four years arent strong, the fact of the matter is that getting an abortion should ultimately be the womans decision as Obama believes not the decision of some politiciantrying to force his beliefs on others.


(UWIRE) -- While neither candidates platform thoroughly addresses the needs of college students, McCains plans for higher education are merely rehashings of President George W. Bushs tired policies. Simplifying the language of tax benefits and financial aid is not a reform. It should go without saying.

Obama plans to allocate $4,000 to students who perform 100 hours of community service, which would come in the form of a tax credit. Though Obamas plan may seem a little far-fetched, its a step in the right direction.

Social Security

(UWIRE) -- The country has been hearing for quite some time that its social security funds are depleting to the point current statistics say 2041 where we just wont have them anymore.

Obama said he plans to eliminate income taxes for seniors who make less than $50,000 a year. This will help those on a fixed income who have to pay for taxes on top of prescriptions, medical bills and a mortgage.

McCain, on the other hand, hasnt offered any concrete plan to change the system beyond saying that it needs reform. He supported Bushs 2005 plan to allow employees to divert some payroll taxes to their own investment accounts, which failed to win the support of the American public.

Rather than preserve ineffectual programs, its time to try something new.


(UWIRE) -- If there is one thing that stands out in Obamas campaign speeches its his favorite buzzword change. And its not without merit. This country needs a change. Most of McCains policies are more of the same or simply not enough of a change. McCain is too busy trying to satisfy conservatives who want to maintain the status quo.

Obama has said he understands the need for change and thats why he has proposed a number of new ideas for his administration. Based on the boards research, Obama is the best pick for the presidency of the United States.

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