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Boxers or briefs? Idaho man robs coffee shop disguised in 'underwear mask'

Crime in brief: Police say a man covered his face with men's underwear when he stole a safe from a southwest Idaho coffee shop Wikimedia

(CBS/AP) BOISE, Idaho - The search is on for the underwear bandit.

A southwest Idaho thief covered his head with underwear - briefs - as he and his partner broke into a coffee shop Tuesday and stole a safe.

The partner's disguise consisted of a bandana over his face. 

Coffee shop owner Jason Wilson told the Idaho Statesman he believes the men were likely not prepared when they entered Big Star Coffee in Fruitland on Tuesday morning.

"Who robs something with underwear on their head?," Wilson said. "I think the underwear shows they're not the smartest criminals - or the most well-prepared."

Investigators said the burglars made off with a small safe that contained about $500 in cash. Eight surveillance cameras in and out of the shop recorded the crooks, and indicated the break-in happened around 4:30 a.m.

Police said they have received some good leads on suspects. Wilson said the robbers left some evidence at the scene - but no underwear, so we await the briefs in this case.

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