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10 Plus 1: Finally, A Chance To Find Out What's On Andy Rooney's Mind

This week we talk to Andy Rooney, who is now in his 27th season doing "A Few Minutes With Andy Rooney" on "60 Minutes." Rooney, who considers himself a writer who appears on television, has a list of accomplishments too long to do service to here, but a few of the highlights are the national newspaper column he's written for Tribune Media Services since 1979, the 13 books he's written, his three Emmy Awards for his essays in addition to a Lifetime Achievement Emmy, and his Ernie Pyle Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Society of Newspaper Columnists.

Rooney joined CBS in 1949 as a writer for "Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts," which became the number one show in 1952, and eventually went on to closely collaborate on "60 Minutes" with the late Harry Reasoner. You may think you know Andy from his essays – which now number more than 800 – but we think there are still a few stones left unturned. So send in your questions, and we'll pick one and get his thoughts. Just stay away from the topic of bottled water – he's already got that one pretty well covered.

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