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Some Unsuspecting Local Moms Get Ambushed With Gifts

PASADENA ( — To Christy Meeks and Juli Schneiderman, every day is Mother's Day.

The two mothers-of-three became fast friends through their children. They decided to start their passion project called Mom the Day.

Its mission is "to reach into every mom's life and tell them how appreciated they are all day everyday," according to their website.

They do it by surprising unsuspecting moms on the streets of Southern California and showering them with gifts including flowers, balloons and gift certificates for massages.

Christine Ferrari is a single mom who raises a teenage girl. "I thought may be they were selling me something. I just couldn't believe that it was real," she said she does not get pampered or spoiled often, and it has been a long time since she has felt special.

"We're gold stars. We're hi-fives. We're pats on the backs for moms," Meeks said.

"It doesn't mean that you baked the perfect cake or you did something great," Schneiderman said. "It literally means you did the best job. You handled it. You figured it out. You MacGyvered it."

The donations come from sponsors. Since January Meeks and Schneiderman have surprised dozens of local mothers including Saran Adams, who just put her career on hold to spend more time at home with her young son.

"I've been overwhelmed and stressed out about it. But this kind of brightened my entire... I don't even know what to say," Adams said.

Meeks and Schneiderman joked about being selfish because they said every time when they "mommed" a mom, they feel good about themselves.

For photos of their friendly ambushes, click here.

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