LAPD To Step Up Patrols Of Drunk, Drugged Drivers Over New Year's Eve Holiday
LOS ANGELES ( — The Los Angeles Police Department will be stepping up patrols for impaired drivers over the upcoming New Year's Eve holiday.
Motorists can expect increased patrols, as well as random checkpoints across the city. In addition to beefing up staffing at local jails, authorities will also be monitoring drugged drivers, which City Attorney Mike Feuer believes are on the rise due to marijuana dispensaries.
As a result, the city attorney's office will use grant money to fund two full-time deputy city attorneys to prosecute DUI cases involving narcotics, Feuer said.
The city is also expanding its use of a voluntary fluid collection system at sobriety checkpoints, including the use of a device to take swab samples of a driver's saliva to test for seven types of drugs in the field.
"The Los Angeles Police Department is giving fair warning to partygoers and New Year's Eve celebrators this year," Los Angeles police Cmdr. Andrew Smith said. "We want to make sure everybody gets the message loud and clear that there will be zero tolerance...for people driving under the influence of narcotics or drugs."
Despite the use of the device, a positive blood test will still be required for a DUI conviction under law.