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Curfews for Palisades and Eaton fire zones now in effect from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.

CBS News Live
CBS News Los Angeles Live

A dusk-to-dawn curfew for the Palisades and Eaton fire zones went into effect Thursday night and will pick up again Friday evening. 

Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna said the curfew has been established to enhance public safety, protect property and prevent burglaries and looting in the mandatory evacuated areas. 

"We are not screwing around with this, we do not want anyone taking advantage of our residents that have already been victimized," Luna said. 

As law enforcement personnel continue to patrol and provide security in the mandatory evacuation zones where homes have been abandoned, a 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew went into effect Thursday night. 

"You cannot be in these affected areas. If you are, you are subject to arrest. That is important. We're not doing this to inconvenience anybody, we're doing it to protect structures, houses that people have left because we ordered them to leave." 

Law enforcement reported Thursday that 20 people had been arrested overnight Wednesday in connection with theft and looting in the fire-ravaged areas. 

The National Guard responded with 400 personnel to assist with road closures and "critical infrastructure protection" of the evacuation areas.  More National Guard personnel are expected to arrive Friday night or Saturday and be strategically deployed, Luna said. 

National Guard personnel help man road closures in Altadena.

Luna emphasized that the only people allowed in the mandatory evacuation zones are disaster workers. Arrests will be made for a misdemeanor offense under LA County code section 2.68320, with potential fines of up to $1,000, or jail time. 

"I've given direction that if someone is caught doing this, they are not going to get cited and released, they are going to get booked," Luna said.  

For evacuation warnings, orders and road closure updates, visit

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