Traffic Alert: Lane Closures Begin On I-75 At 12 Mile Road
MADISON HEIGHTS (WWJ) - The ongoing repair to the bridges that carry northbound and southbound I-75 over 12 Mile Road in Madison Heights will enter a new stage in early February.
MDOT is reminding I-75 drivers that northbound lane closures at 12 Mile Road begin after the morning rush hour on Thursday, Feb. 2.
Beginning at 9 a.m., the right and center lanes of northbound I-75 will be closed, with two lanes of traffic maintained in the left lane and on the left shoulder. This configuration is expected to last for 10 days.
After this stage is completed, crews will close the left lane on northbound I-75 and shift traffic to the right in order to maintain three lanes of travel. This arrangement is expected to last another 10 days.
Meanwhile, crews will close the eastbound 12 Mile Road loop ramp to northbound I-75 for 20 days.
Scheduled to begin the weekend of Feb. 10, crews will close the right and center lanes on southbound I-75, with two lanes maintained in the left lane and on the left shoulder. At that time, crews will close the westbound 12 Mile Road loop ramp to southbound I-75. This alignment is expected to last 10 days.
Beginning Feb. 7, 12 Mile Road will have only the right lane open in each direction for one month.
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