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Merit Network To Dedicate High Speed Broadband In Hillsdale County

ANN ARBOR -- Merit Network Inc. will hold a fiber-optic infrastructure dedication for the Hillsdale community co commemorate the completion of a significant segment of Merit's REACH-3MC Broadband Stimulus Project.

The Hillsdale Community Library will host key stakeholders who will reflect upon this momentous occasion. Merit Network will announce this milestone for the project and answer questions on how the community can take advantage of this high-speed network.

In 2010, Merit Network, Inc. received two grants from the federal stimulus program to build the Rural, Education, Anchor, Community and Health care - Michigan Middle Mile Collaborative (REACH-3MC) -- 2,287 miles of fiber-optic infrastructure in rural and underserved areas throughout Michigan.

Through REACH-3MC, Merit will enable state and local government, colleges, schools, libraries, health care centers and other community anchor institutions to connect to Merit's private, high-performance network, enabling them to lower costs, consolidate services and provide more to Michigan's citizens.

Merit also engages sub-recipients from the private sector to improve service to homes and businesses along the REACH-3MC route.

Merit's existing fiber infrastructure combined with the new REACH-3MC network infrastructure creates a robust footprint in the state, providing Michigan with a strategic asset to leverage in the future.

The event will take place at 11 a.m. Thursday at the library, 11 E. Bacon St. in Hillsdale.

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