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Teddy Bears standard equipment on most ambulances

Children make an instant connection with stuffed animals. They're soft, cuddly and provide real comfort when a child is in an uncertain or scary situation. That's why CBS Colorado has teamed up with KOSI 101 and the Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children for Teddy Bear Patrol. The stuffed animals that we collect are used in emergency situations across the metro area.


Lights and sirens in an emergency situation can be scary for anyone, but especially terrifying for a child.

"They get very anxious," said Rob Moore, Chief Paramedic with Mile High Ambulance.

EMT crews are always looking for ways to east the anxiety. Teddy Bears top the list.

"They're a good tool to have for a wide variety of patients, from like kids if they get scared, to like older people with dementia. It's really comforting for a lot of people," said a EMT crew member.

Stuffed animals are standard equipment on Mile High Ambulances.

"Sometimes it comes down to these little stuffed animals that can calm the patient or at least distract them for maybe a minute. And that's all I need to do some of the things I need to do, that otherwise it would be a real struggle," Moore explained.


Mile High Ambulance gets its stuffed animals from Teddy Bear Patrol at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children.

"We're kind of near the end of our supply from last time, so we're anxious to get more," Moore said.

Stuffed animals are low-tech equipment that make a big difference in a crisis.

"it's a tool they want to have," said Moore of the crews he send out into the field ever day.

LINK: Teddy Bear Patrol

The Teddy Bear Collection continues through Saturday, August 26, 2023. You can donate brand new stuffed animals to the CareNow locations across the Metro Area, Sky Ridge Medical Center, Presbyterian/St. Luke's Medical Center, Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children, the HealthONE System Offices, CBS Colorado studio, and the KOSI 101.1 studio.

There will be a drive-thru collection on Saturday, August 26, 2023 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children, 2002 N. High Street, Denver. There will be several CBS News Colorado personalities and staff at that event.  

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