Gold Star Mother Is Fed Up With Anthem Protests
LONE TREE, Colo. (CBS4)- Denver Broncos players will stand together at the team's upcoming game against the Oakland Raiders, head coach Vance Joseph said on Thursday.
The announcement came after 32 Broncos players kneeled during the National Anthem last Sunday as part of a nationwide protest against inequality.
Players who took a knee during the Star Spangled Banner in New York before the game against the Buffalo Bills on Sunday had some longtime fans expressing strong reaction.
Julie Schrock lost her son Max Donahue seven years ago in Afghanistan, a marine killed by an IED.
"I want the National Anthem and American flag in presentations to be respected and honored," she told CBS4's Dominic Garcia.
"That flag was at Iwo Jima and 9/11 and on my son's casket. That's what was handed to me, that flag has a meaning that should be honored and respected," said Schrock.
For her those moments have shaped the way she sees the flag. Every Sunday her family gathers to watch the Broncos, but she's not sure she'll be cheering them on this weekend.
For her, those moments have shaped the way she sees the flag.
"I don't know. I don't know."
Thursday, the Broncos released a statement on Twitter saying the silent protest was in no way a protest of the military, the American flag, or those who keep us safe. The statement went on to say that inequalities still exist, and "we have work to do in all forms of social justice."
Dominic Garcia anchors CBS4 News at 5 p.m. and reports for CBS4 News at 10 p.m. Connect with the Denver native on Twitter @cbs4dom & on Facebook.