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Gray Wolf Pup In Colorado Named 'Akawe' Following Animal Sanctuary Vote

(CBS4) - The Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center says after 40,000 votes, they decided on a name for a gray wolf pup in Jackson County. The animal sanctuary says the most votes went to Akawe -- the Ojibwe word for "first," it says.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Photo taken by Colorado Parks and Wildlife) On February 9th, Colorado Parks and Wildlife...

Posted by Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center on Monday, February 21, 2022

"The Ojibwe people view wolves as wise mentors and have fought for protection of wolves in parts of the United States; as have many Indigenous American tribes," the group said in a post on social media.

Earlier this month, CBS4 introduced you to the pup which was the first pup to be collared by Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

(credit: CPW/Eric Odell)

The pup is one of eight wolves known to be living in northern Colorado. The mother wolf has a collar on, but it recently stopped transmitting. That's what led CPW to the decision to collar the pup.

The collar "will allow our biologists and wildlife managers to learn more about the behavior of these naturally migrating wolves," said CPW Director Dan Prenzlow.


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