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Company Growth: 5 Ways To Generate Leads In A Digital Marketing World


Thomas Bibby Varghese is the founder and CEO of eBizUniverse, a digital marketing company located just outside of Chicago. Thomas provides insight on how the flourishing market is changing the way small businesses are growing in this economy. His digital marketing company specializes in generating leads for small businesses from social media, search engine optimization and implementing advanced LinkedIn lead generation programs.

Varghese oversees all aspects of the company. He and his team of experts at eBizUniverse focus on generating targeted leads for clients, and deliver substantial ROI. Customer service is at the top of his list. He has over 18 years of experience in the technology industry. Varghese also have been invited to speak on digital marketing and lead generation at several events, including techweek2015, local chambers, expos etc. Prior to founding eBizUniverse, he held several positions at different firms that range from Fortune 500 companies to Big Four consulting firms.

Varghese offers five actionable items business owners can do to quickly generate leads.

Have an optimized LinkedIn profile

If you are looking to generate B2B leads, LinkedIn is hands down the best tool available on the planet right now. LinkedIn provides you with a platform where pretty much all your prospects reside. Forget cold calling, and think LinkedIn lead generation. LinkedIn is a great tool to warm up cold prospects and convert them into customers. The key is to project yourself as an authority in your field of business. Therefore, it is very important to have a fully complete LinkedIn profile and one that is optimized for keywords. Once you have an optimized profile, build connections with contacts that fit your target criteria, for example, general managers of car dealerships. Next, project yourself as an authority, and that will eventually lead to appointments that result in sales.

Update your website to generate leads

If your website isn't generating leads, you need a new one or at least a new website redesign. Your website should be your number one source of leads. A website, if optimized properly, can be a great source of fresh leads almost daily. 90 percent of all our leads come through our website. If you have a marketing budget, it makes sense to hire a professional to perform SEO that can be a source for constant flow of leads. If you don't have the budget, there are many tools out there where you can make some tweaks to improve your website. Some tips: Have call to actions throughout your website. Build a blog. Publish fresh content on your blog. Offer eBook downloads in exchange for visitors' email.

Use Twitter as a source for generating leads

Twitter is a great place where you can find movers and shakers in your industry. Reach out to them. Engage in conversations with them. When you do that, their followers take note of you and might end up becoming your customers. Some tips: Tweet topics relevant to your industry. Promote your blogs on Twitter. Retweet information that would be beneficial to your potential customers. Engage in conversations. All these should lead to new business coming your way.

Run some Facebook ads

If you are a B2C business, you should definitely leverage the power of Facebook. Facebook's ad tool gives you the most targeting options that anyone can dream of. For example, if you are a florist and looking to capture some wedding business, Facebook allows you to target people who are engaged to be married and just in your local area. That's a goldmine!

Utilize webinars

Webinars can provide a healthy flow of leads, especially if you are a B2B business. The key is not to make a webinar sound like a sales pitch, but rather make it informational. Every business owner wants to know the latest and greatest things happening in their industry. Come up with a relevant topic that benefits your prospects, and demonstrate your subject matter expertise via webinars. Pretty soon, you will be the go-to person for anything related to that topic. This creates trust. And you know once they trust you, handing you their business is pretty easy.


This article was written by Michelle Guilbeau of for CBS Small Business Pulse.


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