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Another video shows whales leaping out of the water off Provincetown

Another video shows whales leaping out of the water off Provincetown
Another video shows whales leaping out of the water off Provincetown 01:38

PROVINCETOWN - Whales have been putting on quite the display for boaters off Cape Cod this summer.

The two videos above shared with WBZ-TV from viewer Kyle Curran show whales off Provincetown on Stellwagen Bank leaping and twisting in the air, much to the amazement of onlookers on a whale watch.

Those videos were taken just a few days before another magical moment - an "epic" sight featuring three humpback whales launching into a perfectly synchronized jump, also off the coast of Provincetown.

Kate Laemmle, a naturalist with the New England Aquarium who was on the boat with Curran, said 5 to 10% of whale watch trips typically see a breach.

"It's just been a fantastic summer," said Laemmie. "I mean, we have definitely a higher proportion of humpback whales than we can have in other seasons. Breaching, in general, we have the statistic of about 5 to 10% of our trips but it actually seems like in the last couple of weeks they've really been putting on a show the last couple of days!" 

She said humpback whales are more prone to breaching, and there has been a higher number of humpback whales in the area compared to previous seasons. 

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