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Perry Clawing His Way Back Into Contention

COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa (AP) - A swaggering Rick Perry parachuted into Iowa last summer and landed at the top of the GOP presidential field. He had a job-creation message, an off-the-cuff speaking style and a fledgling campaign organization. He quickly nosedived.

But lately, a more humble Texas governor has been trying to claw his way back into contention with a different approach.

His pitch is tailored to tea party activists and religious conservatives. He is more disciplined and less free-wheeling when talking to voters. He has beefed up his staff with campaign veterans and targeted his travel to key conservative regions.

What remains to be seen, however, is whether Perry's unabashed to that segment of Iowa's electorate will help him rise high enough to finish in the top three in the caucuses on Tuesday night.

(© Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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