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Minor Earthquakes Shake North And South Texas

KEENE, Texas (AP) -- Two more earthquakes have been reported in the Lone Star State -- one each in the northern and southern parts of Texas.

The U.S. Geological Survey says a 3.4 magnitude quake happened just before 4 a.m. Sunday near Tilden, about 100 miles northwest of Corpus Christi.

USGS says a 3.5 magnitude quake shook parts of Johnson County just before 1 p.m. Sunday near Keene, about 25 miles south of Fort Worth. That's close to where a 2.1 magnitude quake was reported early Saturday morning.

Some Johnson County residents say they could feel the ground shake and some items in their homes were knocked over.

No serious damage or injuries were immediately reported.

(Copyright 2012 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.)

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