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Keller ISD considering controversial plan to split district in two

Keller ISD board to discuss controversial district split proposal
Keller ISD board to discuss controversial district split proposal 02:48

FORT WORTH — The Keller ISD Board of Trustees is expected to meet this week to discuss a proposal to split the district in two. The controversial plan has already generated plenty of pushback.

CBS News Texas

There have been no public discussions on the plan, but actions are in motion.

The school board president said trustees will hold a special meeting on Thursday, Jan. 16, at 5 p.m. to talk about the possibility of reshaping the district.

"We are meeting with our attorney to discuss the feasibility, pros and cons if something like this were to take place," said Trustee Chris Coker. "I can assure everyone, that if it becomes apparent in our discussions that this will negatively impact kids or student outcomes, the discussion becomes dead in the water. We are elected to look after the best interests of the kids, and that is what we are doing. Conversations like this are not easy, but they are necessary if we want to make sure we are looking at all potential scenarios for the betterment of the district."

Tarrant County commissioners plan to get legal advice on how to create a school district by detachment, per the Texas Education Code, at their Tuesday meeting. It will happen in a closed session.

Keller ISD is one of the largest districts in Tarrant County

The district serves nearly 35,000 students from Fort Worth, Keller, and other surrounding suburbs.

Students, parents, and teachers have expressed frustration about the lack of transparency and communication from the board.

"Our phones are ringing off the hook from Keller educators worried about what this means not only for their school, their school district, but their future employment," said Steven Poole, the executive director of the United Educators Association, which represents more than 1,500 Keller ISD employees. "Something of this magnitude - the entire community, including the district staff - deserves to be included in the conversation."

Trustees Chelsea Kelly and Joni Smith said there has only been one closed session meeting about the plan to split the district in two.

"It is our sincere hope that this board will pause this process and establish an orderly, transparent approach that prioritizes collaboration, community input, and careful consideration before any final decision is made," said Kelly, in a statement on her Facebook page.

Smith called for the "formation of a task force or committee to thoroughly examine this proposal, its viability, and its implications."

"I hope that they are more transparent than they have been in the past and more transparent than they have been with this process at this point so far," said Briason Foley, a Keller ISD senior. "I think everyone was caught off guard."

It's an unprecedented situation. Experts CBS News Texas talked to couldn't name another time a school district in North Texas has split. There are legal pathways to do it, but it's not clear which option Keller ISD is considering pursuing.

"There's always been a long-running divide in Keller ISD between the city of Keller proper and the growth that has occurred across 377, in the city of Fort Worth," Poole said. "But what the school board is contemplating is beyond the pale. It's going to rip the community apart."

Reactions from North Texas elected officials to a possible Keller ISD split 

Keller Mayor Armin Mizani

"The ultimate responsibility for any school district and trustee is to ensure and provide for the best educational opportunities and outcomes for ALL its students. Having worked closely with Keller ISD trustees and administrators on many issues over the years, I have total faith and trust that any decision being made or being contemplated is with the nearly 35,000 students' best interest in mind. As mayor, but more importantly, as a father to children in the district, I look forward to learning more about this potential restructure and what it would mean for students, families, and educators."

Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker

"I learned of a potential move to split Keller ISD late yesterday afternoon in a city meeting and have yet to hear directly from Keller ISD leadership or board officials. Based on the information I've gathered since then, I do not support a move to split Keller ISD, which would impact countless students and families. Ensuring every child has full access to a quality education should be the top priority for all decision-makers. And like every decision regarding our kids and their education, it's critical this discussion and process is given extremely careful thought."

Dr. Charles Randklev, Keller ISD Board of Trustees, Place 6

"The Keller ISD Board of Trustees will hold a special executive meeting on Jan. 16 to discuss the possibility of reshaping our district. Our North Star has and always will be our students and educators. Over the past few years, we have worked tirelessly to turn around a ship that was adrift and off course. We went to work, focusing on protecting students, empowering parents, rewarding teachers, and addressing long-standing budget challenges. As a result, we are seeing increased parental engagement, exceptional teaching, and improved student performance. Despite this progress, it's evident that the state continues to prioritize other areas over the education of our children. As a result, school districts throughout our state are being faced with unprecedented challenges. As an example, neighboring districts are closing campuses, increasing class sizes, and cutting programming. We refuse to accept this as our fate, and we will unapologetically fight for our students and staff. We remain steadfast in our commitment to raising the ceiling and floor for all students, supporting our excellent educators, and ensuring long-term financial stability for our community. As a result, the special executive meeting on Jan. 16 will be an opportunity for the Board of Trustees and Administration to continue discussing internally whether there is merit in reshaping the district. An idea of this magnitude requires significant legal analysis therefore we will have these discussions internally as a board and we will present a plan in an open and transparent manner when we have information to share. At the conclusion of that meeting should the Board of Trustees believe this path is in the best interest of our students then the board will act accordingly, all while providing more details along with answers to commonly asked questions. Thank you for your continued support as we work together to secure a brighter future for our students, educators, and community."

Chelsea Kelly, Keller ISD School Board Trustee, Place 3 

"After prayer and thoughtful consideration, both Joni and myself believe that it is essential to publicly address the pending action of the board regarding the potential splitting of Keller ISD into two districts. It is our sincere hope that this board will pause this process and establish an orderly, transparent approach that prioritizes collaboration, community input, and careful consideration before any final decision is made. Below is my statement and Joni has also shared a statement on her page. There's been talk in the community about the board discussing splitting Keller ISD to create two school districts. Unfortunately, this rumor is true. The board has only had one closed-session meeting about it, and this was the first time I heard about it. I am not OK with this. I am not OK with the way this has been rolled out or that our community has had no input on this idea. I think it's important for the board to slow down and give us all time to think about this issue and its potential effects. As a board member, I believe our community needs to be fully informed and involved in this process. Decisions like this should be made with transparency, collaboration, and careful thought. The idea of splitting off part of Keller ISD raises many questions: How would this affect property taxes and school funding? What would it mean for maintaining existing buildings? How would feeder patterns and student assignments change? How will this affect our property values? What stadium would we use? What about KCAL? These are important concerns that need answers before any decisions are made. In the past, when Keller ISD faced major decisions like bond elections, we followed a careful, transparent process. This included committees, community surveys, and town halls to make sure all voices were heard. Any decision about splitting off part of the district should follow a similar approach. Why hasn't it? I grew up in Keller ISD, so I have a deep connection to this community and its schools. I understand the uncertainty and anxiety this proposal has created for our students, families, and staff. I feel it too. It's imperative that any decisions reflect our community's values and priorities. To do this, we must move forward in a way that ensures everyone has a voice. Our strength as a district lies in our unity and diversity. By working together, we can address the questions and concerns about this proposal and ensure the process is transparent. I'm committed to advocating for a process that allows our community to fully engage in this conversation, making sure that every voice is heard. To reiterate, I am against this proposal. We will get through this together and get to the bottom of it. I encourage our community to stay informed and actively participate as we work through these discussions. I encourage my fellow trustees to pause, listen, and hear the community."

Joni Smith, Keller ISD Board of Trustees, Place 2

"After much prayer and thoughtful consideration, both Chelsea and myself, believe that it is essential to publicly address the pending action of the board regarding the potential detachment of Keller ISD. It is our sincere hope that the board will pause this process and establish an orderly, transparent approach that prioritizes collaboration, community input, and careful consideration before any final decision is made. Below is my statement, and Chelsea has also shared a statement on her page. You want answers. You deserve answers. Trustee Chelsea Kelly and I do, too. The rumor is true. On December 19, a plan to detach a portion of Keller ISD and form a new school district was revealed by President Randklev, Vice-President John Birt and Trustee Micah Young. To say that Trustee Kelly and I were blindsided and shocked is an understatement. An action like this carries significant implications for our community, our schools, and most importantly, our students. As a board member, I must express my concern that this proposal has not been part of any long-range plan previously discussed by the Board. To our knowledge there has been no reliance of district input of the realities of this being able to happen in the timeline being requested. I have not even seen a resolution to even have input for myself and my constituents. Furthermore, as a parent and resident, I am concerned that no public discussions or community engagement have taken place regarding this matter. I've never had a discussion previously about splitting the district with another board member and, honestly, it was never even a thought that had crossed my mind.

"Decisions of this magnitude require robust debate, community input, and careful consideration. The detachment of part of the district will inevitably have lasting impacts on property values, school funding, district resources, and the educational opportunities for current and future students. Yet, there has been no task force, committee, or public forum to explore this proposal and these questions, or a plan for one. For an action like this to be made successful and viable, it must be based on careful research, data, and collaboration, not speculation, in haste or decided upon in closed-door sessions to ensure that every voice is heard before moving forward.

"This is unprecedented and never been done before.

"In past major initiatives, such as bond elections, there was a structured and transparent process, including months of planning, stakeholder engagement, and collaborative discussions. This issue demands the same level of attention and care, if not more."

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