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Conductor Mitch Miller Dies At Age 99 (Video)

Sing Along With Mitch (1 of 4) by dentelTV2 on YouTube

Mitch Miller, the goateed orchestra leader who asked Americans to "Sing Along With Mitch'' on television and records, has died at age 99. His daughter, Margaret Miller Reuther, says her father died in New York City after a short illness.

Miller was a key record executive at Columbia Records in the pre-rock 'n' roll era, making hits with singers Rosemary Clooney, Patti Page, Johnny Mathis and Tony Bennett.

"Sing Along With Mitch'' started as a series of records, then became a popular NBC show starting in early 1961. Miller's stiff-armed conducting style and signature goatee became famous.
    (Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.)

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