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Amateur Weatherman Predicted New Zealand Earthquake

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We've been a longtime fan of amateur weatherman Frankie Macdonald!

The autistic 32-year old from the Whitney Pier area of Sydney, Nova Scotia, is known for his boisterous online weather forecasts. He posts his world-wide videos to his YouTube channel, where they have received more than 10 million views!

And believe it or not - Frankie is almost always right on the money. He is very accurate with his predictions, even giving spot-on weather updates for the DFW area.

Strangely enough, Frankie predicted the earthquake that just hit the island nation of New Zealand. But he predicted it over 2 weeks ago!

"Here's my update for the 2016 New Zealand massive earthquake to hit anytime soon. It's gonna bring 7.0 or greater magnitude earthquake to New Zealand," he says in the video. "Earthquakes may trigger a tidal wave in the surrounding area as well!"

READ MORE: New Zealand Earthquake

The magnitude-7.8 quake struck the South Island just after midnight (local time). It left two people dead and triggered a small tsunami. It also brought down rocks and mud that swept across highways and cracked apart roads.

Hopefully his loyal watchers heeded his advice as he urged New Zealand residents to prepare themselves.

"People in New Zealand, you need to start doing your earthquake drills! Make sure you have your medical kits ready, flashlights, candles, … extra batteries, generators … because the earthquake is gonna be very powerful in New Zealand," he said.

(©2016 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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