DA's Release Of Stephon Clark's Personal Texts, Internet Searches Sparks Controversy
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — The District Attorney released new information about the days leading up to the shooting of Stephon Clark Saturday.
Even though the DA talked about what happened days before the shooting, Stephon Clark's fiancée says that's not what this case is about.
"What I feel the DA announced today was not about what happened on March 16, was not what happened on March 17th, it was what happened on March 18th, the day officers murdered my fiancé, murdered Stephon Clark," Salena Manni said.
DA Anne Marie Schubert says the days leading up to the shooting are relevant. So relevant that the text messages between Clark and Manni were released Saturday.
"We have done our very best to strick the right balance between transparency and sensitivity. Between transparency and accuracy," Schubert said.
For the very first time, it was revealed that Clark was involved in a domestic violence incident with Manni two days before the shooting. Text messages show he threatened to kill himself.
Schubert also revealed Clark had searched for ways to commit suicide. Searching things like, "easiest ways to kill yourself" and "how much bleach can i drink
before i die".
She said it was relevant to the investigation because it speaks to where his mind was leading up to the shooting.
"I think it's quite clear that Mr. Clark was in a state of despair," Schubert said.
But the decision to release their personal information is causing controversy.
"Not only was it a slap in the face to release text messages thinking that you were going to criminalize Stephon Clark, a dead man who can't defend himself, but then to release the text messages of this girl who she didn't even call and say 'I'm going to release the tape today,'" said Rev. Shane Harris, president of the People's Alliance for Justice.
At the end of the day, Stephon Clark's family said those details don't matter. What matters is that he's not here, and he should be.
"My boys Aiden and Cairo have to grow up without their father, and I have to continue on as a single parent without Stephon," Manni said.