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Assemblyman Kevin Kiley Responds to Newsom's "Next Phase of Pandemic Response" Announcement

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-Rocklin) responded to Newsom's announcement saying that the Governor needs to denounce the state of emergency and relinquish his emergency powers.

"Today Gov. Newsom made another announcement claiming that we have entered the 'next phase' of the pandemic and let a number of Executive Orders expire. Yet he still refuses to end the State of Emergency that has been in place for nearly 2 years. This is a blatant violation of the Emergency Services Act, which requires him to terminate the emergency at the 'earliest possible date that conditions warrant.'

"Since Gov. Newsom refuses to end the emergency as the law requires, on March 15 the Legislature must act to cut off his emergency powers and end this era of one-man rule once and for all," writes Kiley's office.

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