Tax Increase Bill Introduced To Allegheny County Council
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Allegheny County Council formally introduced a bill that would raise taxes for property owners.
The bill is likely to pass, but County Executive Dan Onorato could veto it.
However, Council could also override Onorato's veto with a super majority, which is a vote of 10 council members or more.
The proposed county real estate tax increase is one mill.
The owner of a $100,000 house would pay an extra $100 a year.
Council members say it is needed to counteract cuts in the county budget which would affect human services.
Council President Jim Burn is one of two Democrats who isn't sure he'll vote for it.
"I think we have to show the taxpayers of Allegheny that we as a county council have exhausted all remedies and all eyes have had an opportunity to look at this before we take such a significant step," he said.
A Republican councilman says he's hearing from residents.
"We are hearing that from them, but I think I heard it before we even started this from Washington, from Harrisburg where you know, you turn on Fox, CNN you hear nationwide find solutions without raising taxes," Vince Gastgeb said.
The 2012 budget will be $37 million less than the 2011 budget.
However, it could bring in much more since properties are now being reassessed, which some hope the county will keep in mind.
"I think any windfall increase in assessment should be balanced by a reduction in the millage," David Horvath, of Mt. Lebanon, said.
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