Special Ed Teacher Fired, Charged With Having Sex With Student
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PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- A special education teacher has been fired from her job and is now facing criminal charges for allegedly having sex with a student multiple times.
Police say it happened at Summit Academy, which is a private school for court-adjudicated youth, ages 14 to 19.
According to court documents, Summit Academy hired 24-year-old Jordan Ondish as a special education teacher back in June. She's now accused of multiple incidents of inappropriate contact with a student.
The criminal complaint reports that school officials had previously warned Ondish about her behavior before the charges had been filed.
Investigators say school staff found a cell phone in the male victim's room and confiscated it. The students at Summit are not allowed phones, but write and receive mail instead.
This particular phone contained explicit conversations between the victim and his teacher, according to police.
The criminal complaint says the victim told school officials that he had sex with Ondish more than once in her classroom in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving.
He said she gave him the cell phone and they used it to talk until it was found by school staff, according to police.
The investigation revealed the school gave written warning to Ondish about her behavior with the victim. The report says she disobeyed the facility's rules in three ways:
1.) She had the student sit beside her while behind her desk,
2.) Allowed the student in her classroom after work hours,
3.) And signed the student out without other students or staff with her.
The suspect's attorney didn't want to go on camera, but did tell KDKA Ondish is expected to go back before a judge in mid-February.
KDKA has learned that Ondish has been fired from her job.
Summit Academy released a statement saying: "The administration at Summit Academy was made aware of an inappropriate relationship between a teacher and a student and it was immediately reported to the state police. The teacher was then terminated."