Pittsburgh Police Officer Released From Jail
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- A Pittsburgh police officer accused of soliciting sexual favors from women in exchange for legal help has been released from the Allegheny County Jail.
Officer Adam Skweres left jail at about 5:30 p.m. Monday with his lawyers, Phil DiLucente and Jim Ecker. Skweres is now on house arrest pending his preliminary hearing.
At a hearing before Common Pleas Court Judge Ed Borkowski, the prosecution argued Skweres was a threat to his alleged victims; however, the defense argued he underwent two mental health evaluations and will have no contact with his alleged victims under house arrest.
"This is a very serious situation," DiLucente said. "This gentleman has served the community as well as our country, so we're just happy that he lives to fight another day."
The KD Investigators first reported last week that Adam Skweres initially failed a psychological evaluation during his recruitment and was rejected by the city.
He appealed, and the city Civil Service Commission changed its screening process, allowing recruits to be seen by a panel of psychologists.
Now, the head of that commission tells Andy Sheehan the commission is re-evaluating that procedure to make sure "psychologically unsuitable" candidates are not hired.
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