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Taking Their Relationship To New Heights: Military Couple Gets Engaged At Airport Baggage Claim

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PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- A couple from New Brighton took their relationship to new heights recently at Pittsburgh International Airport.

Alexis Thomas, 24, and her boyfriend Shane Sullivan, 29, met a few years ago at New Brighton High School before both joined the military.

Shane a veteran of the Marines, and Alexis in the Air National Guard.

Alexis was just arriving home from a deployment in Qatar and a 20-hour journey when Shane sprung a huge surprise on her right in front of baggage claim.

The airport tells their story on their blog.

They write: "Exhausted but excited to be home, she stumbled out of the gate at 6:45 that evening to a surprise: her boyfriend, Shane Sullivan, standing a few feet away with a dozen roses, surrounded by members of her family and his. She ran from the jetway and jumped into Sullivan's arms."

But it wasn't until they went to collect Alexis's bags that the biggest surprise came.

Trying to learn to juggle for her, Shane attempted a performance with a ring hidden inside one of the juggling balls. But the airport says he dropped them and picked up the wrong one.

Thankfully, his sister found the one with the ring inside, saving the day as Shane dropped to one knee to ask Alexis to marry him.

Thomas tells the airport: "Of course I said yes! It was an amazing proposal."

Watch the proposal here:

Baggage Claim Proposal at PIT by Pittsburgh International Airport on YouTube


They are now looking at wedding dates for when her service ends in February, maybe at Brady's Run Park in Beaver County.

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