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Penguins Perspectives: A Penguins Christmas list

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Welcome to Penguins Perspectives, a weekly column by KDKA-TV Digital Producer Patrick Damp. Each Monday, Patrick will talk about the week that was, the week to come, what to watch for, and more.

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Dear Hockey Santa:

Hi, Patrick Damp here, I'm writing for our fair franchise located on Fifth Avenue in Pittsburgh.

We've been pretty spoiled these past few years or whatever, but who doesn't love getting gifts? Especially shiny ones, preferably ones that are approximately three feet tall, about 35 pounds, and have a chalice on top.

It's really on top of every franchise's wish list, so I know, a lot of demand, not much supply.

That said, I know you can't give us the Stanley Cup, we've got to earn it ourselves…kind of like how the Angels had to win the World Series on their own after Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Christopher Lloyd helped them in Angels in the Outfield.

So, what can we ask for this year that will help us win Lord Stanley's Cup?

A healthy recovery and return for Kris

I'll take a quick break from the fun and parody here to ask for this seriously – a smooth, healthy, and full recovery for defenseman Kris Letang.

Last week it was revealed Letang was diagnosed with his second stroke. At age 35, Kris Letang has now suffered two strokes, about eight years apart.

As a fan and a writer – I hope Kris Letang can play hockey once again. He's still a very talented, very effective NHL defenseman. Getting to watch him do what he can do, which only few can, is a joy.

As a human being, I'm very worried about Kris Letang the man. He's a father, a husband, a son, and so much more than just the Penguins' alternate captain and number-one defenseman.

It appears he's on the road to recovery and doctors believe he'll be able to play once again, which is great news, but Santa, bring Kris a full and healthy recovery.

Some center depth

Weird to ask this as a Penguins fan, right?

We need it.

Big Jeff Carter has captured the hearts of Pittsburgh because along with being a former Flyer now playing for the cross-state rival, he's just about as much of an every-man NHLer as there is. Especially after Steel City Clothing dropped an epic t-shirt that's also for a good cause!

However, at 37, he's no longer a third-line center – and that's ok!

Carter still has good offensive instincts and can chip in plenty when needed. But playing the center position has passed him by.

This year, we'd love to grab a third-line center, move Jeff to the wing, and really take a run at that silver chalice everyone wants.

You know, after you stop by some cities like Chicago, St. Louis, and Vancouver and want to bring Max Domi, Noel Acciari, or Curtiz Lazar with you, we certainly wouldn't be upset…nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

Some home cooking

Pens fans, remember that first time you came home after moving out? Whether it was from college or whatever caused you to leave your parents' house – that first meal you had back home was great. Everything felt right, safe, and happy.

While things at PPG Paints Arena have certainly been improving with some victories over Vegas and St. Louis, November was not a pretty month at home for the Guins.

Santa, a lot of people this time of year ask for home décor, new home electronics, and more things to make a house a home, we're going to need some home victories.

These Penguins have shown when they head out on the road, they can do some winning. Now, they have to bring those winning ways back to Pittsburgh.

If home wins come in gift card form, we'd love a few of those in our stockings this year.

Make it classic

I know you know I've kind of lost my love of the Winter Classic, Santa. As everyone knows, you see us when we're awake and while awake, I've let everyone know the spectacle has essentially run out and it's just a thing for the people in that city to enjoy.

You know what, though?

This team could use a moment. Not that they are without motivation, not that they don't have a belief in themselves, but this year so far in the eastern conference, it's the Bruins and everyone else.

Sure, it's December and the frigid days of winter can bring all kinds of change, but shipping up to Boston on January 2nd, playing in one of the most iconic baseball fields there is, and figuratively punching the NHL's best team right in the mouth on national television?

Now that would be something.

Hey, you're Hockey Santa, don't give me that look, fighting is still allowed in this game.

If you could deliver a hard-fought win over the Bruins at the Winter Classic?

That could certainly help us earn that silver chalice we so badly want in 2023.

Oh, also, keep in mind PPG Paints Arena has paperless tickets now, so make sure your phone is charged when you're bringing the presents to center ice…just looking out for ya, Santa.

See you soon.

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