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Parent's Perspective: Easing worries as the school year gets underway

Parent's Perspective: Easing back to school worries
Parent's Perspective: Easing back to school worries 01:02

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Back to school can be a stressful time.  Not just or kids but for parents too!  

Dr. Debi Gilboa is a resiliency expert and provided some tips on how to work through the worry and cope.

She says first, figure out why you're worried. Is there something specific that has changed with your kids like their mood, eating and sleeping patterns?

Dr. G says next take a breath, or maybe three business days she said joking, to decide if this is just a short lived issue or something that's really wrong with your child.  She said if it's something serious, don't want days to act but if it's less so, then let it play out and see if it's just a passing thing for your child.

Her next piece of advice is to ask yourself before you ask them!  What are *your feelings? What are you stressed about? Dr. G says it's important to figure that out and work through it so you don't push that added stress onto your kids who may be dealing with their own back to school transition.

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