Mayor Peduto Visits Washington DC To Call For Senate Vote On Background Check Legislation
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto visited Washington DC, joining with other mayors from across the United States to call for gun legislation.
The U.S. Conference of Mayors organized the visit that also includes the mayors of Dayton, Ohio; Miami, Florida; Parkland, Florida; Fort Worth, Texas; as well as representatives from Houston and Philadelphia.
"For mayors, this crisis is personal," said Rochester Hills Mayor Bryan Barnett.
"We're on the front lines of this tragedy, and each mass shooting is a sound reminder that this could happen in any city -- large or small, urban or rural."
WATCH LIVE: U.S. Conference of Mayors --
"We want less cities to be like Dayton, to be less like Parkland, to be less like Odessa and Midland, and we need action from Congress," said Whaley.
The delegation met Monday morning with White House officials and later with U.S. Senators, asking them to vote for legislation already approved in the House, authorizing universal background checks.
"It's a very easy action. It's not complicated. That's all we're asking for as a step in getting common-sense gun control through," Whaley said.
Earlier in the Day, President Trump bestowed the Medal of Valor to six Dayton Police officers for bravery and quick action in killing the Dayton gunman and stopping the massacre there.
And Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said he's waiting on guidance from the White House on its level of support before acting on any gun legislation. But the mayors said it was the Senate's moral duty to act.
"Think if this trend line continues. What's our country going to look like in 5 years or 10 years? And what are we going to say to our kids and our grandkids about what we did at this moment of truth?" said Greg Fischer, mayor of Louisville.
The mayors said they had productive talks with White House officials and are hopeful of gaining support for some sort of legislation, but right now, there is no vote scheduled in the Senate.
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According to Peduto's office, more than 275 cities across the country have signed a bipartisan letter calling on the White House and Senate to support background check.
Gun legislation reform became one of Mayor Peduto's top priorities following the October shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill.
He has been pushing a city ordinance to restrict military-style assault weapons, armor-piercing ammunition and high-capacity magazines, as well as allow the seizure of guns from those deemed a threat.
The officers who responded to the deadly shooting rampage in Dayton, Ohio, will be honored in Washington DC today. The shooting took the life of St. Francis University student and Washington County native, Nicholas Cumer.
Those measures, approved in April, are on hold because of lawsuits claiming they violate a state law that prohibits local municipalities from regulating firearms.