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Latrobe Now Nationally Recognized As Birthplace Of Banana Split

LATROBE (KDKA) -- A Westmoreland County city is going bananas this weekend.

Latrobe is celebrating the 109th anniversary of the banana split.

The city is also celebrating its designation as the birthplace of the frozen concoction.

The banana split was first made by David Strickler in 1904, when he worked behind the counter at Tassel Pharmacy in Latrobe.

"It's amazing! I can't believe it; he would be amazed," said Nell Strickler, the inventor's daughter-in-law.

The sweet treat was a hit and stood the test of time.

"It's so good," says golf legend Arnold Palmer. "You get a little banana and some ice cream, it makes your day!"

"It's something everyone can relate to… when it comes to eating a banana split," added Joe Gruebel, known as Ice Cream Joe. "Anyone can tackle that project."

The city of Wilmington, Ohio, claims to have created the banana split in 1907, but the historical commission decided that Latrobe made it first.

A weekend filled with banana-themed activities is planned, including the world's longest banana split bar at Saint Vincent College on Sunday.

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