Gov. Corbett, Mayor Joke Days After Peduto Endorses Tom Wolf For Governor
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- In what could have been a bit of an awkward moment, Mayor Bill Peduto and Gov. Tom Corbett joked at Thursday's news conference -- just days after Peduto endorsed fellow Democrat Tom Wolf to replace Corbett.
KDKA political editor Jon Delano asked the question.
Delano: "Last Saturday, the mayor stood next to a candidate who wants to replace the governor as governor of Pennsylvania."
Corbett: "I haven't needled him about that yet."
Peduto: "I was waiting for it."
Delano: "What does this say about your relationship?"
Peduto: "I can honestly say that my relationship with the governor has been very cordial. The moment he decides to run for governor on the Democratic ticket, I would probably endorse him."
Corbett: "The mayor just endorsed somebody else. Didn't need to endorse somebody. I'm going to remind him if Mr. Wolf isn't there that he didn't need to endorse anybody."
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