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COVID-19 In Pittsburgh: Gateway Medical Society Works With Black Community To Build Trust For Vaccine

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- With coronavirus vaccines on the way and distribution plans ready to go, the remaining challenge is convincing people to get the vaccine.

Some communities are more reluctant than others to get the vaccine due to historical disadvantages with health care providers.

Among the 60 percent of U.S. adults planning on getting a coronavirus vaccine, research shows members of the Black community are among the least likely to roll up their sleeves.

On a call Tuesday with leaders of the Black community, Dr. Anthony Fauci urged people of color to put skepticism aside.

"My African American brothers and sisters, the vaccine you're going to be taking was developed by an African American woman," Fauci said.

According to a Pew Research study, 42 percent of Black adults said they would take a coronavirus vaccine, compared to 63 percent of Hispanic adults and 61 percent of white adults.

"There are historical connections with things that have happened in the past, like the Tuskegee experiments and things like that, with people of color which have made African Americans particularly skeptical," said Dr. Lisa Issac, the president of Gateway Medical Society.

CDC data shows Black people are four times more likely to be hospitalized and three times more likely to die because of the coronavirus. Dr. Issac said this could be due to underlying health conditions and other factors.

"On top of that, the inequity of them getting the healthcare they need as soon as they need it," said Dr. Issac.

Those are some reasons this doctor encourages the coronavirus vaccine.

"I feel like we know the problems with COVID-19. We know how it's affecting our communities. And I don't think we have the option of waiting. I myself will want the vaccine once it's available to me," said Dr. Issac.

The next dilemma is making sure predominantly Black neighborhoods have access to these vaccines, something Dr. Issac feels hopeful about.

"I'm hoping places like federally qualified healthcare centers and other places like that might be considered to get a stock of these vaccines so they can get them out to the community," said Dr. Issac.

Through the Gateway Medical Society, Dr. Issac has also made it her mission to connect people of color with flu vaccines, especially now when the coronavirus and the flu could have an unthinkable impact.

Click here and here for more resources about vaccines.

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