Family Seeks Answers In 21-Year-Old's Disappearance
PENN HILLS (KDKA) -- A 21-year-old man from Penn Hills has been missing for more than a week, and now his family is speaking out, hopeful that he will come home soon.
It's been nearly a week since Dominick Brown-Hill vanished. Since then, it's been nothing but heartache for his family and dead ends for police investigating the case.
"Now, I'm starting to think the worst," said Lisa Zellars, Hill's mother. "This is not my son. We're close."
Zellars is a woman desperate for any news about her missing boy.
"Where is he? Who is he with? Did something bad happen?" said Zellars. "Did something bad happen; did something go wrong?"
Hill is nowhere to be found and nothing about this gregarious and well-loved young man's disappearance adds up.
"Where he lives, the grandmother – he talked to her – and she said, 'Well, who are you with?' And he said, 'My boy.' And we're all like, we wish he would have said who, cause I'm always like, 'Who's your boy? Everybody's not your friend.' He has such a good heart," said Zellars. "He's too trusting."
"That was the last he was heard from. His cell phone is no longer receiving calls; it's been shut down," said Chief Howard Burton, of Penn Hills Police. "We've done research into all his friends, they just haven't seen him or heard from him."
The last confirmed sighting of the 21-year-old was on Althea Drive in Penn Hills near the home where he was staying.
He was wearing a red Nike t-shirt with a "Just Do It" logo on the back as well as black basketball shorts, gray and white sneakers and a Detroit Red Wings baseball cap.
Hill is 6-feet tall, 180 pounds and with dark hair and dark eyes.
"He could be lying somewhere deceased - that's my biggest fear," said Zellars. "I just need my son brought back. I'd prefer alive, but I just need to know where he is."
If you know anything about the whereabouts of Hill, you are asked to call the Penn Hills Police Department.
Penn Hills Man Reported Missing (3/27/12)
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