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Daylight saving time checklist for your family

Daylight saving time tasks this weekend
Daylight saving time tasks this weekend 02:00

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — The weather won't be very spring-like when we spring forward this weekend.

We'll give back that hour we got in the fall, but the clock isn't the only thing you should be watching when daylight saving time begins.

North Strabane Township Deputy Fire Chief John Storey urges everyone to check their smoke detectors.

"That time of year again," he said. "We got to change the clocks, check our smoke detectors, make sure they're working, change the batteries. Test them. And when we are testing our smoke detectors, we also want to speak with our family about a safe meeting place."

Storey says this is the time you should be checking on your lint traps and furnace.

"Dryer vents to make sure it's clear of any debris," he said. 

WATCH: Chris DeRose Reports  

Preparing for Daylight Saving Time 01:52

"If we have our furnaces, if we have gas appliances that could all produce carbon monoxide, which is a silent killer, so we want to make sure we have carbon monoxide detectors located on every level of our house," Storey added. 

Especially since some people feel we made the switch to spring a little sooner this year.

"It feels early, I think Phil was right," visitor Laurel Gift said on Friday.

While others don't miss the snow, they're not fans that springing forward means losing an hour of sleep.

"Typically bummed out that I'm losing a little bit of sleep," Andy Warner of Pittsburgh said. "But looking forward to the spring so it's all good."

Clocks will move forward by one hour at 2 a.m. on Sunday. Daylight saving time will stay with us until we fall back again in November.

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