CMU Shows Off New Humanoid Robot
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -A new humanoid robot has arrived on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University.
Computer science professors showed off Baxter the humanoid robot on Wednesday.
Baxter is a human-sized stationary robot that can be trained to do repetitive tasks.
It's a compelling new addition to academic robotics research and is the newest member of the research team at Carnegie Mellon University.
"It's a robot that has arms. So, it's a manipulator and this is the research version of the robot being sold commercially," Professor Manuela Veloso said.
Baxter is equipped with enough smarts and sensors to ensure that it doesn't collide with things around it.
The plan is for the two-armed Baxter to work in concert with the arm-less robot named Cobot, which the CMU research team developed.
"It's the perfect type of research for these robot collaborations. Some robots have some capabilities and another robot has another type of capability and eventually, all research is on them working together to compensate for the limitation of each other and build upon the strength of each other," Veloso said.
Baxter exhibits something called behavior-based common sense, so it's capable of sensing and adapting to its task and environment.
It can open doors, grab things and has integrated cameras and sensors that make it safe to work with.
Baxter requires no complex programming or costly integration.
CMU professors said this technology will be used for a variety of tasks.
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