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Special Pittsburgh Marathon Track Set Up For Children's Hospital Patients

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- There's still a few days until the Pittsburgh Marathon, but some patients at Children's Hospital got a head start Tuesday.

Kids raced around a track set up at the hospital.

children's hospital marathon
(Photo Credit: KDKA)

After crossing the finish line, they received a medal and some other prizes.

"We've been doing this for several years now, and we really look at how we can be inclusive and what we can do to incorporate every person at every age at every ability. This is just one of the things that we thought we could do that could help somebody who's in the hospital. If they can't get to the kids marathon, we're gonna bring it to them today," Patrice Matamoros, CEO of the Pittsburgh Marathon, said.

Race weekend festivities begin Friday with the Health and Fitness Expo and end Sunday with the Marathon.

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