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Beating back that back-to-school price tag: Saving money when shopping for supplies

Back to school spending surge
Back to school spending surge 01:21

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - As students across the country get ready to return to the classroom, many families are preparing for a high price tag, as well. 

"It adds up so fast, it's kind of like Christmas," said Jessica Allen, the Community Director of Living Well, Spending Less. "We're buying 100 different things from 100 different vendors and it's so easy to lose track." 

Many experts are predicting an increase in back-to-school spending this year. 

It's estimated the average household will spend nearly $1,500 on back-to-school supplies such as electronics and clothing. 

There are, as always, ways to mitigate those costs. They include taking stock of what you've already purchased, setting a budget for supplies, and buying in bulk. 

Also, and maybe most importantly, don't splurge on brand-new electronics. 

"Look into items that you can swap or pass down," Allen said. "Is there a graduated senior who no longer needs that graphing calculator?" 

Allen also recommended waiting until school starts, that way you can see what the teachers are actually requiring, instead of guessing and possibly overpaying. 

The average cost of going back-to-school shopping will be around $250 more than it was last year. 

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